Sangmok and Kyonghee gave me the Wine Breather for my last birthday. It's a unique decanter that I had never heard of before.
It's pretty interesting the way it works.
You start by placing the wine breather, minus the lid, in the decanter.
Open the bottle and place it on a table. Press the decanter into it; the wine breather piece will insert into the opening.
Using both hands flip the bottle and decanter.
The wine will decoratively pour into the decanter along its sides. It looks pretty cool.
One downside to this method is that you cannot avoid transferring the sediment from the bottle into the decanter, since the entire bottle is poured in. Also, I've used this decanter twice, and unfortunately, both times a little wine spilled out while the wine was transferring either way. It wasn't a large amount, but enough to make me wary of where I'm using it.
It has has a lid you can place on the decanter, which is a nice touch. Fruit flies always seem to find a way to decanted wine, and I usually place a wad of paper towel at the top. This is much more aesthetically pleasing.
Alternatively and uniquely, you can also poor the wine back into a bottle.
Overall a fun gift. It's a little pricey at $50, but is unique, and more interactive than other decanters.